cyanide chocolate

ziwelz' chocolate

because of how I have many OCs, I will exclusively present my mains.I will give a brief introduction for them.

[ a guy whose gullible for money ]

  • Used to actually have a brain, now he can't even do simple math equation for me.

  • Too naive to experience sadness.

  • At least he has good aiming skills.

  • not completely useless I guess, works with B&W.01.

  • Enjoys ridiculing BLB. ( me too )

[ a bodyguard ]

  • My body guard.

  • Assassin.

  • Good intelligence.

  • Doesn't care about you, because I don't allow it.

  • Obtains the ability to transform into any matter

  • Good, but never good enough.

[ a kid with the shark fin on his head ]

  • BLB's best friend

  • Brainrot, not as bad as BLB

  • Does this kid have a shark addiction or something??

  • Lazy, bad slacker.

  • online gambler. I've always wondered where he got all that money from.